The Crayon Initiative News

Written by Bryan
on December 21, 2020

Let go of your hesitation to donate to charity. Consider a monetary donation or crayon donation for children’s hospitals.

It’s no secret that charities need money. When they’re not directly working toward their given cause, they have overhead expenses to deal with. Volunteers and staff have their own bills to pay. It all adds up.

You likely hear the pleas for donations from one organization or another every day. It may be enough to make you say “Enough already!” We could say the same to all the reasons people don’t donate. You don’t need to donate to any old cause, but we do ask that you think a little more about your reasons why.

Here are some of the things we’ve heard about why people don’t donate to a nonprofit.

Donation Anxiety

I don’t have enough money.

I don’t have the time.

Donation won’t solve anything.

I feel like I’ll be judged for not donating enough.

These fears are understandable. Not everyone has the income or time to spare to give back to causes even if they’re passionate about them. But there are ways to give back without losing time or money!

Amazon Smile is an easy way to donate money every time you shop. While half a percent of all eligible purchases may not seem like a lot at first, it will add up over time. Make sure to select The Crayon Initiative as your nonprofit.

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Don’t forget, many charities accept material donations other than money and time. The Crayon Initiative is always looking for used and broken crayons for their recycling efforts! If you’ve got little ones at home burning through new crayons, this is the perfect outlet for getting rid of the unused nubs.

And don’t ever worry about not donating “enough.” Every bit counts toward a great cause. Like your Amazon Smile donations adding up over time, every small donation adds up to a great benefit!

Anyone can donate to a cause they care about.

Donation Apathy

It’s someone else’s responsibility.

This cause doesn’t affect me.

What’s in it for me?

I’m annoyed by donation requests.

I don’t believe in charity.

I just don’t care enough.

It’s easy for us to get wrapped up in our own bubbles today. We focus so much on our own struggles that there isn’t any room to worry about charitable causes. Adults may understand these feelings, but what about children?

The Crayon Initiative helps raise hospitalized children’s spirits and ease children anxiety by giving them an outlet in a scary time. It’s a cause anyone can appreciate.

Donation Suspicion

I don’t trust the organization.

This one is fair. Nobody wants to feel like they’ve been scammed. But information about any given nonprofit is easy to find.

The Crayon Initiative has ties to several major children’s hospitals and often appears in the news.

Donation Fatigue

It’s not fair, rich people can donate.

I’ve donated enough already.

Donation is just a way to make me feel good.

Donating isn’t about other people. It’s about a connection between yourself and a cause you support. So don’t worry so much about what other people do or could do. Consider all the ways that donating is good for you. Donating to a nonprofit indeed makes you feel good — and why is that so bad?

Donation Confusion

I don’t know how.

An easy problem to solve! Every nonprofit will offer ways to donate on their website. The Crayon Initiative offers several avenues for giving back here. For sponsorships and corporate donors, here are more ways to donate.

About The Crayon Initiative

The Crayon Initiative recycles old crayons and sends them to children’s hospitals across the country. We help the environment and brighten the lives of hospitalized children. Learn more about our mission here.