Looking for inspiration to help you lead a cleaner life? These recycling bloggers definitely deserve your attention. Here's a look at 15 bloggers who are going above and beyond to do their part when it comes to reducing waste, reusing products, and recycling for a better world.
1. Earth 911
Truly a mecca for recycling aficionados, Earth 911 has a great mission: “To help everyone find their own shade of green.” For you, that might mean upcycling, foraging, going plastic-free, or just learning how to sort your recyclables!
2. Wasteland Rebel
Wasteland Rebel is a blog devoted to waste reduction. Written by Shia, who can fit about a year of waste into a single jar, the blog inspires cleaner living through and through.
3. Zero Waste Chef
Anne Marie ditched plastic in 2011 after realizing how much plastic waste the food industry produced. Today, she runs Zero Waste Chef to encourage buying and using less plastic in the kitchen and in day-to-day life.
4. Recycle Nation
Recycle Nation also offers a comprehensive database of recycling locations so you can find out where to drop those old batteries you’ve had sitting out for months
5. Mama Eco
Shannon, or Mama Eco, says she always wanted to make an impact and grow a cleaner world. Her blog shares how she does it, primarily by helping businesses become more eco-conscious.
6. Litterless
Bulk grocery shopping, composting, and more are all covered on Litterless, a blog that aims to inspire a zero-waste lifestyle through daily habits.
7. Sustainable in the Suburbs
Sarah resides with her family in the suburbs of Toronto, living a clean lifestyle that inspires her blog. Sustainable in the Suburbs shares her journey toward a low-waste life.
8. Tiny Yellow Bungalow
Jessie started this experimental blog on sustainability back in 2015. Now, the Tiny Yellow Bungalow is also the name of her real-world shop, which helps support clean living.
9. Eco Warrior Princess
Jennifer Nini has turned Eco Warrior Princess into a strong media brand that drives change through a focus on topics like: "environmental issues, conservation, sustainable fashion, conscious business, social justice, politics, feminism, eco beauty, wellness, [and] green technology."
10. Mindful Momma
Living a natural, nontoxic, and low-waste lifestyle is made simpler with the advice of Micaela from Mindful Momma.
11. Trash Is for Tossers
Since 2014, Lauren Singer has been running the Trash Is for Tossers blog, which supports zero-waste living and urges people to reuse and recycle.
12. Sustainably Chic
Natalie has been behind the Sustainably Chic blog since 2014, which primarily centers around sustainable fashion but touches on the topic of recycling other products as well.
13. Recycle This
Wondering if you can recycle synthetic flags? Or whiteboard markers? Recycle This, a UK-based blog, can help you out. And if they haven’t covered an item yet, you can submit a suggestion and they’ll get you the answer!
14. Greenify Me
Ariana Palmieri started Greenify Me in 2015 to document her shift to green beauty. It quickly evolved to include reviews (is that recycled toilet paper any good?) and lesser covered topics such as zero waste bridal showers and how to recycle your prescription glasses.
15. My Plastic Free Life
Beth Terry started My Plastic Free Life after learning about the devastating effects of plastic pollution and her own plastic footprint. Over the years, this site has evolved from a simple blog to a comprehensive resource on plastic-free living. It’s a great resource for anyone looking to start their own plastic-free journey.
These bloggers have taken many strides to help contribute to a cleaner planet through their own recycling efforts. As an individual, you can find unique ways to do your part, too—like with crayon donation drives!
By recycling yourself, and encouraging others in your community, you can help The Crayon Initiative reduce waste while creating a brighter, more colorful world, one crayon at a time.
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