Just about everyone wishes they could make an impact in their communities and causes they find worthwhile. However, far too many people are convinced that a big monetary donation is the only way to do it. If you're hoping to support a children's hospital, but you aren't sure whether or not you can make an impact, consider these factors.
Monetary donations are far from the only way to make an impact. In fact, even if you aren't able to donate money, you can still make a major impact for a children's hospital. Your time is one of the most valuable things you can give, and whether you choose to spend it running a donation drive or something else, it can do wonders for an organization's growth and operations.
If you have time to give, spending some of it simply educating people about the cause you support can inspire donations and volunteering while further spreading the word about the organization's work.
Everyone wants to make a difference, but figuring out how to do it and where to spend your efforts can be tough. There are so many noble causes in the world, so how do you know if a children's charity is right for you? It starts with asking yourself whether or not a child's smile brings genuine joy to your heart. If it does, a children's charity is definitely the place to start.
If you're passionate about helping children, further narrowing down all the causes specifically to children's hospitals will come down to your specific motivators. Maybe you care about underprivileged children, in which case supporting non-profit hospitals that provide free care may be ideal for you. On the other hand, maybe you care deeply about helping treat and research rare conditions that impact children, in which case supporting a specialty children's hospital may matter the most to you.
Have you ever been at a loss as to what to get someone for their bridal shower, baby shower, anniversary, or other celebration? Making a donation or running a collection in their honor could easily be one of the most memorable and special gifts they ever receive.
If you have children or you're in a leadership position at your company or in your community, supporting a children's hospital and educating others about how they can do the same will make you an excellent role model. In fact, if you run a business, it's a key part of your corporate social responsibility goals.
As an individual or business, making a monetary donation gives you the opportunity to request a much-needed tax deduction. Don't forget: Individuals can deduct a donation as small as $20, so you don't need to do anything major to enjoy this benefit.
Educating those around you about the causes you're passionate about is a start, but what if you could reach your entire community? Knocking on doors, reaching out to businesses, and setting up booths at local events can all help you collect donations and inspire new, passionate supporters.
If you want to multiply your impact, getting others involved is the quickest way to do it. If you're a business or able to run a donation drive by getting local businesses involved, why not consider something simple and creative like a crayon donation box? With just one large box of donated crayons, The Crayon Initiative can provide packs of crayons to more than 125 hospitalized children. Click here to learn more.